The Teachers who got the Last Laugh

This had me in TEARS of laughter, teachers who got the last laugh! While looking through education stuff for the last blog, I seen this, HAD to share!


the teachers who got the last laugh

The 20 Things You Need To Let Go To Be Happy

Everyone has one common goal in life: to achieve true happiness. The biggest factor holding us back from achieving our dreams is, simply and sadly, our own selves. We put limitations on ourselves everyday, whether intentionally or unintentionally. There are so many ways we can alleviate these restraints.

Remember, life can either be something you embrace or something you hide from. Stop making things complicated and just live your life. It would be so much simpler and more enjoyable if we learned to just release certain limitations.

Let’s take a look at the things you need to let go of in order to become a happier person, just a few, don’t want to ruin the blog… I am JUST shooting from the hip here

1. The Approval Of Others

Who gives a shit what other people think? If you are happy with the decisions you have made, then whose business is that but your own? Think of how much you could achieve if you stopped letting other people’s opinions dictate the way you live your life. Do you, and engage in whatever actions you think might better your life. So live who cares!



2. Anger/Resentment

Anger will eat at you from the inside. Learn how to make peace with those who have wronged you. This isn’t about letting the other person off the hook; it’s about alleviating the pain that resonates within you. Keep in mind that he who angers you, controls you. Let these emotions run your life, you will have no life..

“Life becomes easier when you learn to accept an apology you never got.”

3. Negative Body Image

There is only one person’s opinion you should be concerned with when it comes to your body and that is you. No one person determines what the “correct” body type is. If you are comfortable in your own skin, and you are healthy, then that should be the only thing that matters. Do not let others tell you that you’re not beautiful because if you believe you are, then you are. This is a BIGGY, too many people are high up on appearance of body, I blame TV land and Magazines for this

4. Idea Of A Perfect Partner

There is no such thing as a perfect partner, so throw your checklist out the window. In life, what prevents us from moving forward is looking at the perfect image of a partner we concoct in our minds. Find the right person for you: one that you can love with all your heart, one you feel comfortable with and one that accepts you for the person you are. The sooner you realize there isn’t one perfect person out there for you, the better off you will be. It doesn’t exist, it either happens, or it doesn’t, don’t look too hard!

“They are not perfect. You aren’t either, and the two of you will never be perfect. But if he/she can make you laugh at least once, causes you to think twice, and if he admits to being human and making mistakes, hold onto them and give him the most you can. they isn’t going to quote poetry, they are not thinking about you every moment, but they will give you a part of themselves that they know you could break. Don’t hurt them, don’t change them, and don’t expect for more than they can give. Don’t analyze. Smile when he/she makes you happy, yell when he/she makes you mad, and miss him/her when he’s not there. Love hard when there is love to be had. Because perfect guys don’t exist, but there’s always one guy/girl that is perfect for you.” – Bob Marley



5. Perfect Life

Just like there is no perfect partner, there is also not a perfect life. Life is what you put into it, so if you are not willing to work hard and put forth effort, you will most likely end up miserable. The choices you make will directly reflect the life you lead. It is up to you to create the best possible world for yourself.

6. You’re Going To Be Rich

Too many people live their lives with the thought that they will be millionaires. While this can be a realistic goal for some, it is not something that can be achieved without hard work and dedication. Stop letting money be your sole motivator; find a career you are passionate about and immerse yourself in it completely. TRUST ME, MONEY RUINS YOU!

7. The Idea That Good Fortune Will Arrive At Your Doorstep

You need to go out into the world and actively look for fulfillment. You cannot take a backseat in life and expect things to happen for you. Appreciate the life you live, and be grateful for what you have. Value each minute of every day. Live like there’s no tomorrow, and make the most out of any situation. The world owes you NOTHING! You got to go get

8. Excuses

Make no time for excuses. You want to work out, but you don’t have the time? Wake up early and get your gym on. Excuses are only rationalizations that make you feel better about yourself for not doing something you want/need to be doing. You desire results? Stop bitching, and start doing. So no excuses, just frikking DO IT



9. Thoughts Of Your Ex

This person is your ex for a reason. If you are going to think of him or her at all, try and think only about the lessons the experience taught you. Do not linger on any old feelings, as this will only prevent you from being happy with someone else in the future. I have no ex’s really, but I know many who have and this can be an issue

10. Stubbornness

I know it’s hard to admit, but sometimes you are just wrong. Other people have just as much capability as you do in providing the correct answer, so stop being stubborn and just embrace it. The less stubborn you act, the more open you are to learning new things. Think of all you could be exposed to if you stopped believing in opinions other than your own.

11. Procrastination

Stop thinking you will finally get to whatever task is at hand tomorrow. Live in the present, and get your sh*t done when it needs to be done. Maximize your time to the best of your ability. Complete each task you need to as soon as you can. This allows you to feel free from worry and stress by getting things out of the way as soon as possible. You also allow yourself more free time to enjoy the things you love.

12. Your Baggage

We have all been hurt one time or another by someone we loved, or we thought we loved. Carrying negative feelings into future relationships will only prove to be disastrous. No two people are the same, so it’s unfair to hold a future partner to a standard set by an ex. Try to begin each new relationship with a clean slate.



13. Negativity

What you put out into the universe will come back to you, so change the way you think, immediately. Stop thinking of life as a glass half empty, but rather, half full. You have so much to be grateful for, if only you took a moment to appreciate it. Anything is possible in the mind of a positive thinker. Negative will destroy you, let it go

14. Judgmental Thoughts

Why do people feel the need to constantly worry about what is going on in other people’s lives? If we spent as much time worrying about our own behaviors as we do worrying about those of others, our lives would be a whole lot more meaningful. You have no idea what is going on in another person’s life, so who are you to pass judgment on the way they act? Too much we see or hear people judging, as if they are perfect, stop it, give it a rest, or it will kill you inside

15. Jealousy

Happiness is not having what you want; it’s wanting what you have. Stop envying others and learn to appreciate what you have. Everyone’s life is unique; you have certain things to offer that others cannot. When we act in a jealous manner, all we do is bring negative feelings into our lives. There is absolutely nothing to gain from behaving this way. The worst one, be you and don’t be jealous of nothing or nobody

16. Insecurity

Happy people tend to have extremely high levels of self-esteem. They accept who they are and work it everyday of their lives. They radiate confidence, flaunt their pride and give off positive vibes. There is no reason to be insecure in life. If there are things you are self-conscious about, go out into the world and seek to change them. Only you have the ability to create the best version of yourself.



17. Depending On Others For Happiness

At the end of the day, the only person you can count on 100 percent of the time is yourself. Do not make the unfortunate mistake many people do and put your happiness in the hands of others. A relationship is not going to fulfill the void if you can’t even make yourself happy. You need to achieve happiness on your own before you can find someone else to share it with. This creates a detrimental dependency that will prevent you from becoming self-sufficient.

18. The Past

Stop living in the past! There is virtually nothing you can gain if you wallow in mistakes you have previously made. Take past mistakes as lessons learned, and move forward. You cannot wholeheartedly move on to a better future if you are constantly looking behind you. Things happened, and that’s that. Take them with a grain of salt and move on. Let it go, or you will live in the past, PLEASE! Take it from me, live for today, today only, think about tomorrow, but live NOW

19. The Need For Control

Sometimes you just need to let life happen the way it is meant to. You cannot spend your life stressing about things that are outside of your control. Try to relax, and let things play out naturally. Embrace the unknown, as this is where you will be surprised the most. Let yourself be whisked into unforeseen endeavors, and relish in the excitement they bring.

20. Expectations

Managing your expectations is the key to happiness. If you let go of expectations, you will never be disappointed. Often, we tend to believe that the way we treat others will be the way we are treated in return. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. Do not expect a certain result from any given situations. Go into an experience with an open mind. This will allow you to fully immerse yourself, without the pressure of living up to preconceived notions.


Well I hope these helped, I know I was and perhaps still am guilty of some, but to be TRULY happy. we must burden ourselves of some shit in our life..Good Luck 🙂

Monday funny picture blog





















how do you breathe through that little thing dr heckle funny animal memes


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Question to Word Press………Yes you! Don’t like! Reply!



Don’t just like this, PLEASE!! I have 20 people or so that have liked EVERY blog I have done, and never once left a reply, please try! 

QUESTION – What do you want out of life?

Simple question, doesn’t matter how old or young you are, age is no barrier to success you want, so this is an easy one, I say above, 10 people will like this and not read it. I appreciate the like, but I will use this blog to gauge who “Likes” without reading 🙂 All fun yeah.

My aim as I just turned 40 is to get my pain under control and get back to Football (Soccer in the USA only for some reason) I have 15 years experience and 11 qualifications, so I want to get back there and create more memories like this

I also want to make sure when my kids reach a certain age there is a bank account there for them that will allow them to do what I did. When I turned 30, same as my brothers and sisters at 30 years old (They are all nearly 50 or so now) I got a bank card and details of an amount in it. This was left to us all by someone who wanted the 4 of us to have what they had. I say “Every penny is a prisoner” I waste no money, it may seem like I do, but it’s the interest on what I have that pays for my Gadgetry geeky lifestyle For these 5 people here, I want to change things, visit places, show them a world that terrifies me, as I have never left the Island I was born on > x

I also want to get over my fear of flying and visit some places and maybe move somewhere, don’t know why but I would love to a penthouse in New York overlooking Central Park, but I also have many other places and things I would like to see. I have the money to do it, but I can’t get on an aeroplane or a boat or a train, I am a bad traveller. I am a home boy, that means I love being at home, I love my own space. I also want to make sure Dawn has all she wants and more. I am not a Billionaire or anything, we are just clever with money and save every penny. Interest on my account pays for my stupid purchases 🙂 Why not? I was born with nothing, my son’s grew up with nothing, so now we have the change to make things happen

What do you want?

So, this is for YOU


Shaun x


Love, Truth and Hope – In Pictures x













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Inspirational Quote

Shaun’s very funny, cheer up it’s Monday’s funny picture blog











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The Inner Peace Award



Thank you to saminai @ for this award. A new follower, so this was nice ..  the person who Awarded left this message

I dedicate this Inner Peace Award to the Police Officers who I believe are the greatest Peacekeepers and Peacemakers not only at the local, and national but also international level. Sometimes their efforts and strive to bring about Peace for us comes at a cost of loss of their own Inner Peace. I salute them for their sacrifices towards making this world a better, peaceful place for us to live.

“Law Enforcement Officers are never ‘off duty’, they are dedicated public servants who are sworn to protect public safety at any time and place that the Peace is threatened. They need all the help that they can get.” (Barbara Boxer)

In the Award there were no rules, I was asked only to leave my own comments on the Inner Peace Award. so I will

The inner peace award for me represents a peace in your mind through any hardships. I can only speak for myself, I can only blog my meaning. I suffer greatly with pain, but I also managed to find inner peace. I found inner peace through evil and hurt as a younger man also. I came through mental turmoil to absolute inner peace in my mind. A hard thing to do is to have Inner Peace in your mind. A feeling of care free thinking, not worrying and just living and enjoying. I think we all reach a point in our life where we just say “To hell with worry and depression” and just  smile and let our mind be at one with itself. And I allowed my mind to be at peace. I let the past go, I don’t worry about tomorrow. I am very happy in this moment, right now, this very second, so if I am in this state, I am happy and I have Inner Peace. So anyone who’s mind is not in peace I urge you to release the demons and allow  your mind to be free. I know sometimes it is hard. I know many who live in terrible pain, I am one of them, to it is harder to find Inner Peace, it is hard, but I demand it from myself to live a happy live with a clear mind and Inner Peace. To anyone reading, I hope you can find Inner Peace in your mind, even if you get half way, do it, or try. Life can be hard, but often we make it harder than need be. We complicate out own thinking and in-turn, we have no inner peace. So I explained how I did it, I just demanded my mind was to be my own, it belongs to nobody else, my mind is mine. So I am glad to say I found Inner Peace. Thank you, Shaun 

Shaun’s AMAZING Welcome to Monday Funny Picture Blog!














































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Go live your life without fear


In life I always used Fear as my friend. I used to overcome fear itself, when I was in battle, or I was taking others into battle, I would say “Fear losing” Be afraid of fear, but don’t be Fear

I know this may make little sense to people, but sometimes I see something or hear something and I blog, it is a moment this blog, and for anyone out there who is fear, use that fear to get fear out of your life. If we go into life with trepidation we lose, we must always fear losing in life, if we don’t then life wins, we have to take our fear and use it against it, throw fear back at fear because I know if I am going to live and see more of my dreams come true I need to feel fear and beat it

More love, less hate



Turning into a truly caring person


I did this after my blog below this got me thinking x

Once long ago in a different life I was an angry young man who had no conscience and didn’t care. The issue really was I didn’t like myself. See when someone is nasty or angry for no real reason, it means they are not happy inside. I have seen it and felt it inside myself and in others in real life

How do we become better people? How do we get to a stage in our life where we look to care and show love and humanity? Someone once told me “A leopard never changes its spots” meaning people don’t change. I think the person who told me this will never change. It matters not who told me this. All that matters is it was a saying I thought about for a long time

To be love, you first need to be loved, to care, you first must be cared for, I believe this light of love is in us all, but many have got lost, many have missed the path and walked into a new path. Sometimes it can take a HUGE event in our lives to change us, to make us better, to make us care, to make us show love, not in a false way, but in a true way, an effortless way, a way other people will see and just know you are acting or talking from your heart

For me the pain I am in brought me to love and caring, I had to go through a horrible event within my family also, but at the end of it all, I liked me, sorry, I am telling lies, I realised I had to like me, and slowly I am starting to like myself again. It is a slow process, but when we allow our very souls to be poisoned with hatred and anger, we give away a truly meaningful gift, a free gift, called love

Don’t deny yourself this free gift, embrace it, love it, see the light from it and care for people, because one day you may need cared for yourself. We live in moments, and in good moments, people with no pain, they may feel they will never be in pain and don’t have to show love or a caring nature. Trust me, that day will come to us all, where our true inner light and love escape and react to others pain and we care for them

This helped me, I hope I can help anyone else, even it is one person, then my words were worth it
