creationism vs evolution


Before I go and write, I am on Morphine, in agony and bored out of my SKULL. No excuse, I am just saying. I like to think I am clever, I believe in God, but have a hard time with Religion and what Jesus was meant to have done, and all these bibles and religions confuse me, so PLEASE, let’s discuss this as adults, if it becomes VERY religious and people argue, then you are proving a VERY bad point.

One god, one bible, and the world would be a better place, I see a world at War, and I see kids getting killed and starving to Death while greedy bastards in suits look at their stocks and shares. I am “Live and let live” kind of guy, I believe in allowing opinions, it’s called courtesy yeah?

So when good things happen, “God did it” Every time. I lost my pain for 2 weeks and many said “Your prayers have been answered” And honest, on my kid’s life, I appreciated the words. Now the pain is back, do I blame God? See where I am going here? We can’t have it both ways, he either helps all the time or doesn’t. If God can help, then why doesn’t he stop kids dying? I had a relative die aged, like 2 of Cancer, is that God’s will, or does “Shit just happen”

So the big bang theory, I don’t buy it, BUT there is proof that was shown by NASA showing everything in the known universe moving away from a central point, so maybe. But it is a HUGE leap in, not faith, just logical thinking to say “Nothing, then a bang from a one singularity” then life

Same leap of faith I have a very hard time with (And MY GOD I TRY) when people try to convince me Jesus did all these amazing things. He way have, but there is NO proof, and please, don’t throw scripture at me from an old book, and whatever book it is, there are about 20! I asked Bishop Eddie Tatro “What Bible” He gave a slight laugh (Real cool lad by the way) and sent me this so I will read it and hope it answers my question.

So Evolution, here is a question, when I ask a religious person, I get no answer “God’s will” or something comes back at me. If “IF” We came from Monkeys, why are there still Monkeys, and why is there NO SIGN OF WHAT CAME BEFORE MONKEYS? Follow? Where is it, there is NO PROOF

I said above there is SLIGHT proof in the big bang theory, as we can see clearly that the galaxies we can see are moving away in a circular pattern from a central point, but we can only see 1% of the Universe, so more proof is needed for me. For me to just believe Jesus did what was said, I would be lying to myself if I said I believe. Often I think, is this blind faith, as there is NO PROOF, Just a bunch of old books. I am a man of Science, it is still a young thing Science, it is still learning, but it can prove my eyes water so they don’t dry up and how my lungs keep me alive, PROOF. Science is not perfect, but 100 years ago people thought the world was flat, some idiots still do! So we have a LONG way to go as a species to understand and get to grips with this subject. For me, I am on the fence.

But there are a few on here, I do talk to them, nice people, I respect their ways and their will, but PLEASE if I ask you a question, answer as YOU, don’t throw scripture at me, answer as you would if I said “How old are you” This blog was in NO WAY intended to offend, anyone who TRULY knows me will realise, this is just me asking questions. Because I believe in God I want to ask more questions.

So I will stop here and let the debate begin, for the LOVE OF GOD keep it civil and debate, discuss, let me learn, don’t argue and help me and others find the way or the path, because throwing scripture at me bores me, badly, I want to hear opinions, I want to see proof. The dinosaurs died and I ask what did God do for 65 BILLION years? Is 65 Billion years to us 7 days to God? I have created an EASY answer there, see what I did 🙂

And here is a question, and one, again, I hardly get an answer for.

“In the beginning God created man….” Em no he never, he created Monsters.

Can I get an answer to this? Don’t PLEASE give me “Gods will” or “Gods way” Just answer the question from YOUR mind, God never created the earth with Man. It was big huge Monsters who would have killed us all had we co-existed, and science is CLOSE to proving we did, but I doubt it

Let the debate begin…I ask people who will “Like” this to find it in your HEART to comment for once. Why do people just go down reader and “LIKE, LIKE, LIKE, LIKE” The other day, someone liked about 20 of my blogs in under a minute. Very fast reader or “Whatever”

School me, OH, “The big bang THEORY” Yeah it is just a THEORY, Till SCIENCE can prove or disprove. Some will get all offended here, I just know it, because there is no answer some will just all hate filled and go in a big huff, I ask you don’t, find that good old love in your heart and TALK and debate..


More love, less hate


I believe in God, but I find this offensive..I know Gay people, they breath and laugh and everything...

I believe in God, but I find this offensive..I know Gay people, they breath and laugh and everything… And we have FUCKING lawlessness NOW! WTF! Arguments fucked! 

I don't think so...

I don’t think so…

What did I evolve from? Where are they?

What did I evolve from? Where are they?

"The big bang THEORY" IS SCIENCE!! And a theory..See the puzzle here?

“The big bang THEORY” IS SCIENCE!! And a theory..See the puzzle here?

Go live your life without fear


In life I always used Fear as my friend. I used to overcome fear itself, when I was in battle, or I was taking others into battle, I would say “Fear losing” Be afraid of fear, but don’t be Fear

I know this may make little sense to people, but sometimes I see something or hear something and I blog, it is a moment this blog, and for anyone out there who is fear, use that fear to get fear out of your life. If we go into life with trepidation we lose, we must always fear losing in life, if we don’t then life wins, we have to take our fear and use it against it, throw fear back at fear because I know if I am going to live and see more of my dreams come true I need to feel fear and beat it

More love, less hate



RIP my Aunt Margaret…..


Today I ask God to help my family, they are all hurting. My Aunt Margaret Passed away a few hours ago. I ask God to take their pain and give it to me…

I am in pain anyway, I seen you a week ago Aunt Margaret and you told me something,. No, you asked me something. Today I keep that promise.

May you rest in peace. x


The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures
He leadeth me beside the still waters
He restoreth my soul
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake, yea
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil
For thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies
Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever

God, Give the American people a break


Give them some light God



I said I would not blog again, as I was  running out of things to say, and reminding myself about my pain was making my pain worse. I did say I would stick around, and not delete my blog. I guess if I have a blog I want to do I will break my own rules..

What the people of America have been through since the year 2000 is unfair and unjust, one bad event after another, the last year or so has been unreal, so much hurt, so much pain, so many tears, shared over the pond with me and many more.

I can only send my prayers and love to you all over there, kids dying in these events are horrendous and when you have kids of your own it hits home worse. I JUST hugged my kids tighter tonight, just 20 minutes ago when I tucked them into bed. Men and Woman dying also

I will ask God, PLEASE GIVE THESE PEOPLE A BREAK!! I am begging God, they have had enough. If this is your will, then so be it. If you are real God, then millions of people are right now asking you please give the people of America a break, it seems you just give more pain to my American brothers and sisters. Why? Why Worldwide also?

I will leave my comments there, I have been watching the news and am now and the pictures online also, they bring tears and pain, we ALL pray kids are still alive in that School. We all pray more good stories appear in the coming hours. I am sitting watching Sky News and they are showing this EF5 (Confirmed) Tornado forming, this thing was an ANIMAL..

God, please, listen to our prayers, and give America a break

Scotland prays with America x

Scotland prays with America x

I wish – My 1st attempt at a poem




I wish I could walk like I used to do

I wish I could play with my kids in the park

I wish I could be the man I once was

I wish I could be him, not just because


I hope as I age my pain slows down

I hope as I age my wisdom helps me

I hope for my kids a wonderful life

I hope for myself I was once as I liked


I pray and ask questions in hope

I pray when I am down, also when I up

I pray who is listening, who could it be

I pray that one day wisdom falls down on me


I live for my kids and my partner I love

I live to learn more and to see things improve

I live to see God in all of his Glory

I live for the hope of telling my story


I ask that only I live a free life

I ask that my kids are happy and free

I ask that my family are kept and are warm

I ask that I can defend from the incoming storm


I share as I am able to do so

I share as I know it helps others

I share in the hope others share

I share because I so dearly care

I wish.


Looking for God




I speak to many from Word press from Australia (I learnt World of War craft, lol) The USA, Canada, South Africa, India, people from Europe, South America (Some are a struggle with my accent) and a few from the UK as well, I would like to say hi to you all, and thank you for just “Being there” thank you for replies, emails and speaking on Skype and more. I got put up for two awards today. I have no idea why, I don’t think I am a great writer. I express what I need and say what is on my mind, I also do Audio blogs so people REALLY have to concentrate on my accent, I like to goof around, but hey, we can laugh right?

The naming of this blog needs no explaining whatsoever. It is me and my walking the path in search of God. It is a lonely path sometimes, but many I could mention here have spoken to me about it, and not one has preached, just given me advice. Also I have a family member or two I can speak with

So I believe in God, I try and live my best by the 10 commandments I pray every night before bed, just a few words, but just thanking God for blessing me with such a good life. I said this to a friend and they said “But you are in pain all day with Disability” My reply was “But I am still blessed” I think they left confused, lol

Looking for God for me is a journey, and I guess many of us are on the same journey or a similar journey, or maybe have God in their Hearts and ask question about their faith, I am speculating here. God comes in many shapes and forms and books, and this is where I get lost in translation. What Bible do I read? What God do I believe in? What church would I go to? And many more questions. And many say “Just have God in your heart, have a relationship, live by the 10 commandments, and if this is your way, this is your way” But then some will say “You will still go to Hell” If this is true, I think at the back of my mind “This is an unfair, unjust God” I am spending my days living by his will, and speaking to him, and it all may be in vain. This is the part I need guidance with, if anyone wants to reply below, PLEASE! Do, as I said above it can be a lonely walk. But something I love is this; I will show you in picture

Footprints in the sand

Footprints in the sand

I must have been 25 years old at my Aunts funeral, and her best friend read this out, and it just TOUCHED A PART OF MY BEING and I just cried and cried. I did something to me, I believed it, and it made so much sense to me, even till this day

I will tell a quick story, and I shared this story with a few close friends. I am afraid to fly on Airplanes, badly, and about 10 years ago, not long after my Aunt had passed, and I was thinking about God my two sons who were 10 and 8 years old at the time were going on a big plane for a two week Holiday in Portugal with my partners parents, Grandma and Granddad, who I trust my sons lives with. But my fear of flying, I have never did it, was starting to effect my thinking and I worried heavily about my sons safety. As any parent in any given situation or similar situation or just worry, it’s what parents do. My Father is 67 and still worries about me and my two older sisters and big brother. Anyway, I took the dog out, and I was standing against a small tree and I could see the entire sky as I was high up on Arthur Seat in Edinburgh where I live, and I said in my mind “God if you can hear me, please look after my two sons” Then I opened my eyes, and I looked at the sky, a big sky, but right at the small part I looked 2 shootings starts whizzed past in a second, and I gasped. Was this a sign, or was this coincidence? I think looking back it was a sign.

They arrived home two weeks later, I went to the chapel, or small church room in the Airport, and just said “Thank you God” and left. Here I am all these years later, and some say “If that sign wasn’t enough, then nothing will be” And I guess I can see their point. But to give my life to God I need more. And please, I mean no disrespect to ANYONE who is God Loving or God Fearing, I just need more. Do I blindly follow? Or do I need another sign? I could say meeting Reverend Eddie Tatro and  leprechaun0317 and many more on here are good signs, as both have taken time to speak to me, none more so that my good friend Reverend Eddie Tatro from the USA

So my quest continues, and my path I still walk. I just needed to share this. As it was bugging me out a little that I can’t connect the dots. I hope people understand what this blog is about and realise I mean no harm or foul. I love God. I just am confused in what way to connect with God. Is what I am doing enough? As it feels enough.

But I will keep looking and walking and with your help, maybe I may get closer, or not

Thanks for allowing me to share.


God Bless


Skype Name: ShaunGibson1888